. . . m s . y u e ' s  w e b s i t e . . .


Human Physiology 2009-2010

Important Announcements

New! (6/2) Pig Dissection Resources: Click HERE

(4/29/10) Digestive system notes posted in "Files" section.

(3/31/10) Spring Break Extra Credit is posted here.

Lab report format can be downloaded in the "Files" section.

Instructions for signing up for Turnitin.com

* Use an ACTIVE email account to sign up for Turnitin.com!  If you have already used Turnitin.com before, use the same account and just add this class to your account.

"Human Phys Spring 09-10"
Class ID #:  3105748

Enrollment password (only use ONCE when adding this class to your account):  humphys

Once you finish signing up, complete Assignment #1 "Ch 8 Critical Thinking Q's" by WED 2/18 at 8AM.