. . . m s . y u e ' s  w e b s i t e . . .


Spring Break Extra Credit! (4 options available)

DUE MONDAY APRIL 12th. No late work!



For options that allow working with other people, you may work with students from my other biology classes (periods 1, 3, 4, 5)

Choose only ONE of the following options!

Option 1: Sing a song (up to 20 lab points; may work with up to two other people)

Write an original song that teaches a concept that we have covered since the beginning of 2nd semester.  You may use the tune from a different song, but change the lyrics!  (Note: I say “teaches” because the song should actually teach us something about the topic!)  You may use musical accompaniment.

- Submit lyrics on turnitin.com by Monday 4/12 8AM.
- Song must teach a concept!
- To get the extra credit, you must perform the song in class on Monday 4/12.

Option 2: Make a video (up to 30 lab points; may work with up to two other people)
Video may be a music video where you create an original song that teaches a concept that we have covered since the beginning of 2nd semester.  You may use the tune from a different song, but change the lyrics!  (Note: I say “teaches” because the song should actually teach us something about the topic!)


Video may be in the spirit of Bill Nye videos.  It must teach a concept that we have covered since the beginning of school. 

- Submit song lyrics on turnitin.com by Monday 4/12 8AM
- Video must teach a concept!
- Submit video on a DVD (preferred) (NOT on Youtube!)
- Video must be rated "G"!

Option 3: Make a board game (up to 35 lab points; may work with up to two other people)
Create a board game that teaches one (or more than one) of the main areas of biology:
- Cell biology (for example: parts of a cell, enzymes, macromolecules)
- Genetics  (for example: Mendel, Punnett squares, protein synthesis, recombinant DNA)
- Evolution  (for example: Darwin and natural selection, speciation)
- Ecology  (for example: food webs, community interactions, populations, energy flow and energy pyramid)
- Physiology  (for example: nervous system, immune system)

(I fear that in this XBox/Wii/Playstation generation, you young people don't know what board games are anymore... examples include Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, Cranium, Trivial Pursuit, Taboo, Catchphrase, etc.)

- Must be reusable and non-edible (no food products because that will attract mold, rats, ants, etc.)
- Must teach/review concepts in the chosen area of biology!  Please see
this webpage (look under "Science Standards" >> Biology) for a summary of the science standards covered in biology.  Anything with a * next to it is not needed.
- Must include clear instructions/rules on how to play the game.
- Creativity and neatness is required (if it looks messy and thrown together, you will not get full credit or even any credit)
- Note: Whatever you submit as part of your board game, you must be willing to part with (i.e. I may choose to keep your board game for future generations so whatever playing pieces, timers, etc. are in there, I keep. Thanks.)

Option 4: Go to the California Science Center (up to 40 lab points or 25 lab+5 test points; individual write up but you can go to the museum with your friends)

The newest exhibit at the California Science Center is about ecosystems!

- Must submit your answers/reflection (see below for questions) on Turnitin.com by Monday 4/12 at 8AM
- Must print out and turn in a hard copy of your answers/reflection
- Must turn in your admission ticket
- Must take at least one picture of you at each ecosystem "zone" and either print them out on a piece of paper or email them to Ms. Yue (zones: Extreme, Forest, River, Island, Rot Room, Global, LA) *showing me the pictures on your cell phone will not be accepted... I want to see them nice and clear*

** I know that the temptation will be to copy your friends' answers, but please remember that that is cheating.  Also, these are such fun and easy questions that really, you can answer them by yourself!  You're at a fun museum for cryin' out loud! wheeeee!!!! **

Questions to answer for EACH zone:
1.  Write down at least 10 new facts you learned.
2. What was the most surprising thing that you learned?
3.  What did you like best about this exhibit?
4.  If this exhibit has hands on activities, what activities did you participate in? What did you learn from them? (If there weren't any hands-on activities, just say "N/A")
5.  After visiting this exhibit, if you could talk to a scientist that is an expert in this particular field, what are 3 questions that you would want to ask him or her?
Question to answer after going through the whole exhibit:
Which ecosystem zone did you like the best and why?